Important meeting of voting for right developer

A special General Meeting of Daulat Baugh Co-operative Housing Society Ltd will be held on Saturday the 30th April 2011 at the mini auditorium, National college, Bandra(W) at 7:00 pm to transact the following business:

1 (a) Selection of Building/Developer for Redevelopment of Society building

(b) Authorization of the Managing Committee members to sign/execute documents in respect of the redevelopment.


  1. Only members and in their absence their associates or joint members shall be entitled to attend and vote at the meeting.
  2. Members are not entitled to vote by proxy.
  3. Quorum for Special General Meeting shall be ¾ (i.e. 75 percent) of the total number of members of the society. If there is n quorum the meeting shall stand adjourned for half an hour, failing which the said meeting shall stand adjourned for eight days and the adjourned meeting shall stand dissolved assuming that members are not interested in the redevelopment of the society’s building.
  4. The Project Management Consultant and Legal Advisor have confirmed their presence in the aforesaid meeting.
  5. Video recording of the meeting has been arranged,



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