Minutes of the meeting on 1st November 2010

Following the legal way, according to 79(A) of the MCS Act 1960 clause 8 was followed.

This scope of work initially for the architect/PMC shall be (a) to survey the land and building of the society (b) to get the details of the conveyance(c) to record the FSI of the plot available for the development and TDR/FSI that can be loaded taking into consideration the DC Regulations and other applicable law (d) to prepare workable/practical project report taking into consideration the recommendations/suggestions of the members, the areas of the new flats to be made available to the members, commercial area, vacant area, space for garden, parking, building specifications, etc. Within two months of date of appointment of the architect/PMC, his project report should be submitted to the committee.
and the clause 15
The architect/PC should invite competitive bidding from reputed expert and experienced developers and at the time of floating members, either the carpet area or the corpus fund will be kept constant. The society members can also inform reputed developers of the tenders.
The PMC report containing 20 suggestion/recommendations was prepared by Soumitra Shinde on 22nd October 2010 and these are the points in the best interest to the society members which the intersted developers/builders should include in their proposal.

One extra point was discussed on the issue of society office, which the society will negotiate with the builder for which either extra area to be given to the present society members or the money to be equally distributed amongst the members.

PMC report that was circulated amongst the members was discussed and was unanimously approved.

The next step is to put the advertisement in the local two local papers, one vernacular paper and one English paper inviting tenders for redevelopment. 15 days after this adevrtisement in local newspaper, we will select the builder by proxy based on their reliability and their monetary offers.


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