16 new builders have walked in

As of now, the process that we had gone through earlier to reach and select Satguru builders has been nullified.

The society decided to go the legal way since some of the members were being irrational in their demands and society did not want any obstructions. So the process of planning for redevelopment had to start all over.

Society now had its own advocate Mr Shetty, who will advice at every step and also has its own project manager Mr.Shinde, the architect.

That done, society then inserted an ad in two local papers, (according to the law) in Hindusthan times and Free Press, inviting the developers to obtain a bid for redevelopment. They are expected to present their project and the feasibility report of the PMC, with a non refundable fee of Rs10,000 by cash or DD favoring the society.

There was a good response and there were 16 developers who submitted their proposal in sealed envelops which will be opened in the presence of all society member during the next meeting.

Following are the builders who have send in their proposal
supreme builders
Konark builders
east view,
midcity, ,
Neeraj kakkar,
N. Nagpal

As the proposals have creeped in, the society has been doing lot of enquires, meeting people and researching on the builders, visiting their finished projects and trying to narrow down to the worthy and reliable entrant.

As soon as the appointment can be fixed with Mr Shinde, the project manager, the meeting will be called where in all the sealed envelops will be revealed and the selection will be narrowed down to one deserving builder.

Till then, society members are free to check out and do their own research on the above developers, so as to be able to suggest their requirements.

Until we meet again.


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