Today we had general body meeting which was attended by sixteen members only. Its funny how members fail to show up for meetings, I have noticed that generally people attend society meeting only if they have a problem which they need to address, otherwise they are happy to ask their neighbors for updates. I don't like to miss the society meetings unless I am travelling, for me it is a social responsibility. Being a member of a society, we have right to information, and right to express our opinion such that the living in the society becomes a pleasant experience. Plus it gives us chance to get to know the members and drop off the veil of alien-like feelings. Anyways, the meeting started twenty minutes late, (waiting for late comers) and all the points on the agenda were discussed one by one. The nomination forms were available in the society office, few days prior to the meeting, whereby any member desiring to be the part of the committee could send in their applicat...