Staying Connected

Perhaps this could be our last Holi Festival celebrations at Daulat Baugh. That’s what each member of this building was hoping, that the re-development plan bite us as soon as some formalities are ironed out. We got together to celebrate the Holi festival in our building compound on 1st March 2010


We actually have lot to say to each other but we hardly ever meet except in society meetings where there are more squabbles than discussions. We wanted to meet more often. Now the members who are really compu-savvy are working people, who prefer to get the whiff of fresh air from the tiny window rather than come out and walk around the building snaking through too many parked cars and they expressed the desire to meet on desk-top instead and so started our conversation on Newsletter, an idea of staying in touch online since we hardly ever see each other in the building unless we ring the door bell

Which we never do…...

So here we are, hopefully to stay connected in our unofficial building Blog.

To start with, lets meet the members who celebrated Holi in the building compound.

All that one needed was just a jet of tangent water to wash off the colored mask of Holi madness


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