Our Very Own Gym

The other day, I went down to the 1 st floor, which is actually a club floor. One door opens to Podium, another door opens to office and party room and another opens to Gym and swimming pool. I entered the door leading to Gym. A loud music was playing and one member was on the treadmill. He was quite engrossed in his music and exercise that he didn’t notice us. But I must say, it’s a beautiful room with state-of-art equipments. Although I have never done gymming in my life, this is first time that I wish I could. There is TV in one wall of the room, I am sure when the gyms becomes totally functional, this will be a good venue to meet the society members. The floor is fully covered with rubber padding to prevent the beautiful marble beneath. (You never know, when those heavy weights fall and break the floor).. Every detail has been attended to. The managements has really taken pains to get the best and I have seen them help lift those equipments and...